Life Sciences

Life Sciences

Includes technology concerned with the study of living organisms, including biology, botany, zoology, microbiology, physiology, biochemistry, and related subjects.
Technology Listings
Mass production of Pelargonium sidoides and Pelargonium reniforme curtis bio-actives through use of in-vitro cultivation. This technology is a novel cultivation method to alleviate the pressure on wild growing populations and provide quality stock for the medicinal industry.
The alpha-glucuronidase is capable of selectively processing the complex hemicelluloses xylan side-chains in the pulping process. One of the benefits of our isolated alpha-glucuronosidase is that it cleaves glycosidic side linkages within polymeric substrates such as glucuronoxylan.
A green and biodegradable antibiotic that can prevent surface contamination and/or biofilm formation.
An environmentally friendly and cost‑effective alternative to conventional anti-shark devices such as shark nets, drum lines and exclusion nets.
Modification of B-fructofuranosidase enzymes to enhance their performance in production of FOS under industrial conditions.
Extracts from honeybush (Cyclopia spp.) are known for their anti-oxidant, anti-mutagenic, anti-carcinogenic and phytoestrogenic activities. This invention shows that it also has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial activities.
A novel herbal remedy for the treatment of contused and fatigued muscle tissue. P. Glandulosa, commonly referred to as Honey Mesquite, has been discovered to strengthen skeletal muscle and boost healing of contused skeletal muscle.
Non-toxic plant extract used to reduce proliferation of tumours. This novel plant extract can be used for treatment of breast cancer.
A novel and affordable cellulose based matrix that is capable of acting as a perfect enzyme immobilization platform, while also providing a broad and tailored use of varied enzymes for immobilization. PepTrap™ provides next-generation enzyme immobilization through a coordinated bond between a histidine tagged enzyme and NiO nanoparticles.
High rate biofilm contact reactor for winery wastewater treatment. No filters are used which means less clogging than traditional filtration systems.
Immobilized enzymes have an advantage over free enzymes in solution in that they can be used repeatedly and easily removed from the reaction mixture after completion.