What To Expect When You’re Expecting To Innovate

What To Expect When You’re Expecting To Innovate

­­ What To Expect When Youre Expecting To Innovate

‘Nebulous’ doesn’t do the complexity of technology transfer much justice; especially if you are a researcher or faculty member who has spent the last years of your life studying and developing that technology, not trying to commercialise it. To quote an annoying ear-worm, it really is ‘a whole new world’, and people are put-off by things they do not understand.

How do you disclose your innovation and its intellectual property? And who does that? What do you need to do in your first few weeks, and months? What does the selection, and then the development process look like? Do we licence the technology, or spin it out into a business? If it is successful, how are revenues shared? Where does the LaunchLab fit in?

These questions and much more have been answered in one, easy to find, easy to understand diagram, which details exactly what to expect when you’re expecting to innovate. This process timeline, colloquially referred to as ‘The Placemat’, takes a leaf from the world of visual design (a slightly foreign concept in many academic institutions) and lays out all pertinent data in a way that’s almost impossible to misinterpret.

The responses to ‘The Placemat’ have been overwhelmingly positive. The Technology Transfer Team at Innovus believe that this will go a long way to clearing up the grey area surrounding what they do, and how they interact with the University’s intelligentsia. It’s going to go a long way to ‘Making Innovation Matter’, and you can see it, in all its glory, here.